Friday, August 15, 2014

Progress pix

As promised, photos of the girls:
They are both very much their mother's daughters, although there are some differences, of course. Blaise's fleece is coming in with lovely, organized crimp, and she has that namesake marking, which is icing on the cake. She had quite the underbite at birth, but her teeth are on pad now. Bali, who has looked like a supermodel since birth, is going through a bit of an awkward stage. Her head looks a bit coarse and her tail long right now, but I think she'll grow into them. Both girls are nearly as tall as their dams, which means Marta is on the petite side and Bali is a big girl. I've never been a fan of breeding ewe lambs, but I'm seriously tempted to breed Bali and Sarai to Blake this fall (and give Marta a year off). His tail is a bit woolly; theirs could show a bit more wool at the top. Their fleeces are on the short side but have very low SD, CV, and CEM; his has good handle, length and luster, but could have an improved profile. Of course, there's no guarantee that the genes will pair up perfectly; that's the fun and frustration of breeding!

On the knitting front, I'm almost ready to bind off chair pad #2:
(Shown sitting on #1, which hasn't been washed and blocked.) The second one has gone much faster, because I've kept the project crammed on one circular needle instead of juggling between two or three. I didn't think it would fit, but it does – barely. I probably won't start #3 until we get back.

The winery appears to be on schedule to open in a week or two. Yesterday both driveways and the parking lot were paved; this photo was taken two days ago:
The cute little farm house visible on the far left is staying, and has been getting a facelift so it can be used by the out-of-state owner and employees. Rick and Brian stopped by the other evening, chatted with the owner, and took a tour of the inside of the winery. I'd like to do that sometime; I love looking at construction, architecture, and interior design details.

Last night I attended a meeting at someone's home. They have a beautiful oasis of a backyard, and I couldn't resist snapping some photos of flowers, pond, and a handsome resident. I'll share some of those photos tomorrow.

That's it for today from . . .


  1. I have questions? What are your sheep coats made of and do they breath? Are they water proof or just to keep stuff out of the fleece. I am so enjoying following your lambs from when they were born to as they grow into young sheep!

  2. Oh my goodness, suddenly the girls look all grown up. How did that happen so quickly? I've enjoyed watching the pictures over that past few months. Weren't they frolicking lambs a few weeks ago????

  3. Fiona, the coats are made of nylon. I have some that are made of a very strong Cordura-type material, and some that are much lighter and smoother but don't hold up as well. They are just to keep the fleeces cleaner.

    Just like kids, Nancy Kay; just like kids.

  4. I'm so glad you are making friends with your new neighbors! I don't understand all the fleece comments, but get the general gist.

  5. Wow, how quickly they grow up! Your flock is so cute, especially with their "coats".

  6. Well, we're getting acquainted at least, Mary Ann.

    I like their looks better without coats, Maureen, but their fleeces sure get trashed.


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