Sunday, August 31, 2014

Looking up and putting up

The clouds were glorious today, but I didn't have much time to look at them.

Rick did the picking; I did the processing. (While I worked inside, Rick and Brian worked outside stacking our big pile of firewood in the woodshed.) I now have a dehydrator full of drying prunes, seven quart jars full of cinnamon applesauce, and a crockpot full of simmering apple butter.

That's only the beginning at . . .


  1. I love those plums! Good job sister. We put up 22 pints of sweet relish this week and the cukes keep coming.....

  2. When we had plums (back in another life), I used to can them in a light syrup and then use to make Plum Kuchen . . . kind of a coffee cake. It was different and oh-so-delicious!

  3. It's been years since I made apple butter.

  4. Your kitchen must smell FABULOUS!!!


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