Wednesday, June 04, 2014

The chosen

Jet is going to be a daddy! That is the plan for him, anyway; a buyer from California is picking him up at Black Sheep Gathering. Someone else is interested in Barbados; as the male "pick of the litter" I really hope someone utilizes him as I think he would bring improved fleece, conformation and "presence" to any Shetland flock. Benny, on the other hand, is welcome to stay here as a fiber pet . . . although that means a certain little procedure needs to be done, and soon. Recently, he's tried pushing me with his head when he's not the focus of my attention; not good.
Sarai's fleece (above) has also been spoken for – as has Marta's (below). That leaves only Browning's fleece, of Mr. Brownjeans fame, available; anyone out there interested? (I need to harvest Bramble's fleece for the lady who reserved it; ack!)

I am so thankful for this year's buyers of fleece and stock – and ALL those who have purchased from me over the years! You keep Boulderneigh legitimate with the tax man – and my husband! ;-)

Some of my blogpals, like Susan, are participating in a blogpost-a-day dare. Even though I didn't sign up, I did mentally challenge myself to keep up. I'm finding, at least at this early stage, that it is giving me more intentionality in my posting; I like it! (I hope you do, too.)

That's it for today from . . .


  1. *I* like your daily posts! Although I don't comment a lot (because I know NOTHING about sheep -- or horses!) but always find your posts interesting. And, oh, all your gorgeous pictures of your gorgeous flowers! I find myself trying to sniff the computer screen at times . . .

  2. Jet is getting so big... and I have enjoyed the pictures of the lambs so much. They are so darned cute.

    Glad to hear folks are snatching up your beautiful fleeces.


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