Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Can't resist the cuteness!

Benny and Jet are enthusiastic grazers now, although they still play and explore plenty – mostly outside the fence. They won't turn down a good scritch in the fold, but Benny has given up hope for a bottle so doesn't come running when he hears me outside. He's still the most vocal of the lambs, though; old habits die hard!
All three ewes are excellent mothers, but Marta is the most attentive. She's not as leery now of getting shots, etc., which means that Blaisie is calming down a bit, too. Instead of always hiding behind mom, she will stand at a distance and watch as the other lambs crowd around me for scritching. I'm hoping she'll eventually get curious and brave enough to see for herself what the attraction is; in the meantime, I occasionally catch and love on her to prove that she'll survive human contact.
The rest of the photos are compliments of the "window" Lance created in his stall wall. It makes an excellent blind from which to capture lamb portraits – although my BFF Bali has figured out when I'm there and comes running over to stand on her hind legs so I can reach her head. In other words, once I make noise to get everyone's attention, I'd better snap fast!

Since the photos above were taken, the weather has taken a week-long detour into cold and wet here, with snow in the Cascades. As late as the snow skiing season started, I'm sure the ski resorts are thrilled that it is extending well into the spring!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. I can't get enough of all this "cuteness" so keep posting the babies.

  2. Gosh, you got some really good pictures of the babies! Love seeing them. Never too many!

  3. The little ewe lamb, Bali?? has a beautiful face!
    And that fleece is just gorgeous!

  4. They are SO SWEET! How can you stand it???

  5. I can't get enough of the cuteness, either. Love the photos. I enjoy hearing about their personalities too. That Benny is quite the character!

  6. Adorable!!!!! Such great photos Michelle!

  7. Very nice looking lambs!

  8. Thank-you all! Lambs grow out of the "cute infant" stage SO fast; I'm enjoying them while it lasts. But I do think I will be enjoying them as eye candy for a long time, because all of them are so nice.

  9. Holy moly those lambies are growing up fast! Look great :-D.


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