Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The sunny side of life

"Clouds and storms will, in time, pass away
The sun again will shine bright and clear
Let us greet with the song of hope each day
Tho' the moment be cloudy or fair
Let us trust in our Savior away
Who keepeth everyone in His care."

Enjoying the sunny side of life at . . .


  1. Your sheep are the Bee's Knees!

  2. Beautiful sheep!!!! I love the little babies.

  3. The second picture is gorgeous. Hope that your little family is stabilizing and all is well.


  4. The pictures of the lambs are sooooo cute.

  5. So jealous of your green grass--while I have some ground showing there also are 2 foot drifts resisting the melt. Adorable babies & attentive mom.

  6. That beautiful grass! Those adorable lambs! That calm, wonderful ewe! Not to mention flowers -- just what I needed to see today.

  7. Awwww! Overdose of cuteness :-)
    Thanks for sharing! Just. Too. Cute.


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