Thursday, March 06, 2014

Just so you know –

there IS a flip-side to our lush green grass and early spring flowers.

That's it for a very wet day at . . .


  1. Oh, my! Kinda makes you wish for wall to wall (tree to tree?) asphalt, doesn't it?

  2. I don't think I'll see mud or anything green here soon... the snow is piling up to the street names and stops.

  3. Those dandy black rubber boots are your best friend on days like this, of course they come in all kinds of prettiness now. We are getting the same here (in Idaho) with snow falling on the hills around us. It has to end eventually.

  4. 3 seasons on the, cold and mud -lol-.

  5. It's been quite wet here too - between the rain, hail and melting snow, the ground is soggy. I almost got the Suburban stuck in the driveway! I'm hoping it'll dry out a bit, but I'm sure glad for the moisture!

  6. Yikes.... it'll look like that here - once all this snow finally melts.

    Which should be by about May, I fear.

  7. Oh my goodness...yuk...what a mess that mud makes!

  8. Oh my!

    Nice (sorta ;-) to catch up a little with you. Hope your knee's mending!


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