Friday, March 28, 2014


Yesterday when I turned the ewes out during a break in the showers, Sarai went off by herself and stood under a tree, and wanted to stay out in the pasture by herself when it was time to go back in; very odd. Her gait had definitely turned to a waddle as well. Aha, I thought; she's going to lamb soon! It made sense, too; a front with heavy rain and wind was supposed to move in overnight, and big weather changes seem to precipitate birthing. I got up at 3:30 a.m. to check on her; nothing. When I took Benny his first morning bottle; nothing. (In the lambing department, that is. My Houdini horse let himself out of his stall and trashed the barn, though.) Now it's really blustery out; maybe there will be news to report later today!

Anyway, while the ewes and lambs were out yesterday, I was trapped at the barn. There was no way to go back to the house without Benny seeing me – and seeing is following. Might as well enjoy the entertainment!

The lambs slipped under the gate to investigate the chickens (who look bigger than the two-week-old twins!). Then they found their way back into the pasture, where Benny exercised his springs:

I also got in a 15-minute walk on Lance (without incident, thankfully) before the rain started again; then I put all the animals back under cover.

There has been knitting, including a mystery KAL for one of Romi's new designs (I won a free pattern and chose this one):

It's a two-color small shawl, and I would love yarn in the color of the budding lilacs for my contrasting yarn:
I am planning on using white as my contrast color, but I do have a sunny yellow skein reminiscent of this daffodil that might be pretty. Time to go dig in the stash and make a decision!
I'm hoping that's NOT it for today at . . .


  1. I sure hope you get the ewes you want soon :-)

  2. My goodness! Sarai sure looks ready to go! I can't wait to see the lambs!! Benny and Jet are so adorable. It is so good to see Benny bouncing around, after his rough start. Just shows what a good shepherd you are.... :)

  3. Holy Smoke thats a round bundle of expectant ewe! Wonderful post and Benny is sure growing!
    I have a question about your breed of choice, Shetland Sheep. Where is a good source of information about them and how do they handle heat as in Kentucky?

  4. Oh MY! If Thelwell did sheep, they would look like that! Hoping for all girls! Love the springing Benny
    and give a pat to Houdini, although he may not be all that deserving...;)

  5. Loved, loved, loved the video. I'm still smiling - thanks!

  6. Oh my gosh. There is nothing like watching a lambie bounce! So freakin' cute!!!

  7. The video is SO cute. Love it. Now you have us waiting anxiously for the latest births!


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