Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A reason for snow

With snow, then rain, our greens are looking vibrant again (yes, even the weeds!).
The only snow remaining is in a few piles here and there.
Don't go, snow! I just finished a warm hat and need a reason to wear it!
My Toque,Yo! for Sochi in handspun Shetland (from Inky) and suri alpaca, another clever design from Romi Hill. I hate to wear hats but I love this hat. I'll have to hang onto it tightly if I want to keep it, because someone else wants to claim it!
The ham!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. All that moisture works wonders! And the hat is so good looking. The design is very eye-catching; no wonder someone else has his eye on it!

  2. The hat is really looking good on him... you might have to knit another one.

  3. Beautiful hate!! Your son love it, I don't think you're going to get it back, lol

  4. I need to live there. If you would like more snow, I'd be happy to trade.

    Lovely hat, you are very talented.

  5. My gosh, he looks like a professional model!

  6. Nancy Kay, Diane and Sandy, it IS nice to have a son who appreciates hand knits. I did remind him, however, that he got a fish hat for his birthday that he hardly ever wears…. ;-)

    DD, Brian would LOVE to have you send more snow, but I'll pass. Didn't mind its short visit, but was glad to be back in the saddle last night in a rideable outdoor arena!

    Yeah, he'd good on both sides of the camera, Mama Pea!

  7. I think it looks great on Brian... and your bulbs are coming up, you lucky dog!

  8. The hat is adorable. My kids in Bend had the same thing. They went from 14" of snow to melted snow and a boggy mess almost overnight.


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