Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Déjà Vu

That would be fog,

and another Gnarled Entling Warmer!

That's it for today from . . .


  1. I love the colors of that yarn!!! Yes, it's a weird, weird, world, weatherwise. However, the fog does nicely set off the lovely Shetland.

  2. For sure it makes a great picture.

  3. Nice colours in that yarn. Love your first photo and your header. Happy New Year and greetings from Montreal, Canada.

  4. I see this year's photo contest in that photo!!! Great shot.

  5. Love that first photo. Beautiful. We got some fog today and a little bit of cloudiness. We may even get a little rain on Saturday. The Rain dances are working... kind of.

  6. You know, when I looked at that first photo I didn't think it was all that great. After all your comments, I guess I should have kept a higher-resolution file of it! The ones I got for the next post I thought were better….


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