Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Too many blessings for one post!

Thanks to a link on Adrienne's blog, I am listening to a beautiful rendition of Silent Night while typing this. My heart is full of thankfulness and peace; my Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are unfolding in near perfection. For the first time in 30 Christmases together, we opened presents last night as my family always did, rather than on Christmas morning as Rick's family does. It may sound strange, but that was the nicest present my husband could have given me! To get some other wonderful gifts on top of that was loads of delicious icing on the cake; I'll share some of those in a later post. For now, I wish all of you a Merry Christmas, along with plenty to eat,

fine woolens to keep you warm,
good friends,

satisfying vocations and avocations,

and time for a little fun now and then!

Thankful most of all for God's unfathomable love, at . . .


  1. Merry Christmas and blessed peace to all of you there at Boulderneigh, Michelle!

  2. Merry Christmas Michelle! Great photos!

  3. Michelle,

    Merry Christmas!!! Sounds like you and yours had a beautiful day.

  4. I've always thought opening gifts on Christmas Eve would be nice . . . especially if the woman of the house was preparing a big meal on Christmas Day. I'm glad you changed your traditions a little and experienced the way your family did it when you were growing up.

    We're winding down after a lovely, quiet (just the three of us . . . with a few phone calls) day here. Still, I feel like heaving a sigh of relief that Christmas is over.

    1. I did make the point to Rick about Christmas morning not being a relaxing time to open gifts, Mama Pea. Maybe that made the difference!

  5. Merry Christmas

    When I was a teenager we used to open one or two presents late on Christmas Eve and then the rest Christmas morning. You could do both your family traditions that way. When Brian is grown and has a family of his own you will have to share Holidays. Thanksgiving on Saturday for instance, flexibility makes life easier for large families when you have to share with inlaws.

    Looks like larger sheep coats are going to be needed soon, there is soooooo much wool under there.

    1. We have opened one gift Christmas Eve once or twice over the years, Audrey, but that wasn't really an improvement. This year was SO WONDERFUL! (And I'm not sure I HAVE larger coats….) :-/

  6. Merry Christmas my friend :-) I wish for you all good things in the coming New Year. And I'm glad you enjoyed that piece from Mannheim Steamroller - it's one of my favorites!

  7. That's so nice! What a happy Christmas! xoxoxo

  8. I'm so glad you had such a nice Christmas, Michelle. It looks like everyone enjoyed the holiday!


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