Monday, December 09, 2013

Better than the sum of its parts

Two ingredients: fresh cranberries and chocolate chips. The result: indescribably delicious!

Tonight I attended my third Christmas party in nine days. These surprising little morsels are always a hit. Now I need to make some more for US!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Oh, darn it! I just put the last of my hoard/stash of cranberries in the freezer! Have you tried these with dried cranberries? That is one of my most favorite flavor combinations of all time!

    1. Susan, it just wouldn't be the same. The tartness and juicy pop of the fresh cranberries inside the chocolate would be missing, since dried cranberries are sweetened and shriveled. Guess you're going to have to buy another bag of fresh cranberries!

  2. Do you dip them all with your finger or some utensil? They sound lovely and messy! :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I melt the chocolate (carefully, in very short increments) in the microwave, then drop a handful of cranberries in at a time, fishing them out by one or two with a fork and dropping them on waxed paper. You will have to reheat the chocolate periodically. It's really not too messy – just time-consuming!

  3. Oh my goodness, those look divine! Must try! .... she says as she dashes off to add fresh cranberries to her shopping list....

  4. Hi! I wandered on to your blog last week...I saw this post and had to try the choc cranberries...yum! I thought I would like them I can eat choc chips from the bag if I need a little something. Also like looking at your sheep, I have a little space and I'm dreaming about sheep. Tammy

  5. Laura and Leigh, I hope you've had a chance to make and enjoy some.

    Welcome, Tammy! (I eat chocolate chips from the bag, too.) Looking forward to getting to know you better!


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