Sunday, November 17, 2013

A photo-heavy weekend

Yesterday after church we went to my MIL's for dinner. This fellow seemed to think he got an invitation, too, and came right to the entrance!
Eventually, he moseyed off, obviously at home in the neighborhood:
We call these "meadow rats" out in the country; this must be a "metro rat."  ;-)

The weather has not been as bad as it could have been, but the leaves did fall. The Japanese maples in front of the house are still showing off, but you can see that the larger one is getting a little thin on top:

Detail shot:

I have a new tool, thanks to some cured Bubinga boards my dad gave me, and the woodworking talent of Ed Jenkins:
This is the Jenkins' newest model, the Egret. I plan to use it for plying, but it is also doing a fine job of spinning that luscious sample of Bam Huey that came with it.

Tomorrow I'll show off the fresh-from-the-garden supper we enjoyed tonight; pretty amazing for mid-November!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. I had a small buck come to my window couple days ago.. I just sat stock still and tried not to move. It was so cool.. He went out to my garden and ate the few apples I threw out there and munched on them before fleeing for the pasture. All leaves have departed from our trees here and everything is bare until Spring comes in 6 months. Nice sunny day today with 45 degrees.
    Love reading your blog..Have a tiggeriffic day~! ta ta for now from Iowa:)

  2. Michelle,
    Very inquisitive little one.

    Nice looking homemade tool, enjoy!

  3. Wow, I think that's so cool. We hardly ever see a deer or any other form of wildlife around our place. And that's probably for the best considering our proximity to that blasted highway.

  4. Oh my gosh, I have NEVER seen a deer so close, though we have had them in our yard. I worry about them.
    I can't wait to see what you are still getting from your garden.

  5. What a pretty spindle and made just for you! Nice.

  6. Tigger, this little guy wasn't shy at ALL; there were five of us crowded into the open door way just feet from him, talking to him and snapping photos! That's a "city boy" for you, I guess. ;-)

    Sandy, I AM enjoying my new tool, immensely!

    Glad you enjoyed him via photos, Lorie. Believe me, it's much easier to garden if the deer stay away!

    I posted the harvest and resulting dish today for you, Mary Ann.

    I think so, too, Kim. :-)


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