Wednesday, October 09, 2013

It's officially fall when . . .

the autumn colors outside

are reflected in the wood-burning insert inside.

Enjoying the first fire of the season at . . .


  1. So well put! Our neighbor had their first yesterday, I ran for the camera to take a picture of smoke coming out of the chimney :)

  2. Just LOVE the smell of our wood burning fireplace! Nothing like a comfy fire in the Fall... beautiful inside and out Michelle!

  3. I do love fall and the scents that accompany it! I'm off in a bit to take some pictures around the area and perhaps even a little of Vermont!
    Hugs my sweet blogging sister,

  4. Michelle,

    I'm not from Oklahoma, were her because of a transfer with my husbands job. We've been here for 5 years and every year fall is very pretty here. The weather is so relaxing and in the 50's in the early morning hours, and 70's during the day.

  5. That fire looks so nice - I'd like to curl up right next to your sweet doggie! Fall is my favorite season.

  6. Your oak leaves are a beautiful red! Red oaks? And they do match that fire. Looks so cozy, I love this time of year.

  7. Sounds like a good gathering of autumn-lovers here! Too warm last night for a fire, but we're enjoying another one tonight. But when we go to bed I shut the bedroom door and open the window above my head; LOVE sleeping in a cold room with appropriate covers!


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