Friday, October 25, 2013

Foggy Friday

Our weather has changed; it has turned decidedly cooler and the sun will be scarcer. Still no rain in the forecast until late next week, though, which is good for moving (MIL) and riding (me, when I can find the time). The men of the house are campaigning for a fire in the wood stove; it'll probably happen tonight with my cold-blooded MIL staying here. Sure wish I could share the frequent "fires" in MY "wood stove" with all of them; they are going to cook me out!

See the small white thing on the ground under the dark tree above? That's another little cluster of 'shrooms (below), the second to pop up there in the gravel. The first cluster slowly melted into a wet black mess like the Wicked Witch of the West; it was grotesquely fascinating to watch!

While doing chores I spotted some BIG white things below the manure pile:

How big are they? I had a tape measure handy for scale:
Too bad they're not edible – I could have picked a meal's worth!

That's it for this foggy Friday from . . .


  1. I've enjoyed beautiful pics from all over blog land today.

  2. Those first two pictures took my breath away - even in the fog they are beautiful - nice job on the dandelion.

    I have to work "at the salt mine" tomorrow for a couple of hours, but hope to get some camera time around here - all of our maples are a-blazin' - Have a good weekend. T.

  3. Sunny today here in Iowa.. Love all your pictures.. Have started making easy easy slippers for my family for Christmas.. My daughter called me last week and said her slippers have worn through the heel...and she needs a new pair ....Sooo I decided this would make a good present for all my grandchildren (8) and my children (3) and their spouces.. Have a great Saturday..ta ta for now from Iowa:)

  4. Those are huge mushrooms, and you get the best pictures!

  5. Wow those ARE big! Mushrooms are beautiful but scary too... I would never even go near them!


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