Thursday, September 05, 2013

Meanwhile, back in the honeymoon suite...

...Nightcap and his ladies are just hangin' out. Here's the handsome mister:

Yesterday Sarai seemed especially tired. I can only hope that means she and Nightcap had a good romp the night before!

I already have a list of B names that relate to "nightcap" (thanks mostly to Google, since I'm a teetotaler) – Brandy, Bourbon, Baileys, Buttered Rum, Beam, Bacardi, Benedictine, Barenjaeger, Balvenie, Baijiu, Bartender and Barista. Do you have any other good suggestions?

For the less sheepily inclined, here are some pictures of my happy dahlias:

That's it for today from . . .


  1. How many ewes are you breeding? Looks like a good list of names there.

  2. For names, how about BB . . . short for a beer and a bump! (I think a beer and a bump means a beer and a shot of whiskey . . . but I'm not sure. Can you tell I'm not much of a drinker?)

  3. I have three breeding ewes and they are all with Nightcap, Audrey. Marta didn't get her picture taken.

    I'll add it to the list, Mama Pea!

  4. Well I will keep my fingers crossed for all those little ewe lambs you are hoping to get. Still working on breeding list here and hope to wait one more month before rams start tearing up fences ....

  5. I love that last picture with the tree. What beautiful ewe lambs you will have (I have already started the positive thinking...)

  6. A friend of mine tells me *nobody* has ever witnessed sheep breeding.
    After that wonderful list of names, Beer and Booze seem lackluster, but a feisty ram lamb (not that you'd want a ram lamb) could be Boilermaker; I believe that's a glass of beer with a shot of whiskey dropped in (shot glass and all?)

  7. I have actually witnessed the act... It's over very quickly, and repeated often...

    There's Beergarita (1 can of beer, 3 beer cans of tequila and 1 bottle of margarita mix). It's actually very good, and kind of deadly...

  8. Sarai looks like she is pooped! lol! So we have little lambs to look forward to in the spring! :D Yay!
    No names to add to the list, don't drink so clueless in that department.
    Hugs, oh and those flowers are gorgeous! It's already getting cool here, how about by you?

  9. Audrey, both rams on my place are acting like gentlemen so far. The one who doesn't have ewes must not know that another ram does!

    Thanks for the positive thoughts, Susan. That ewe, Sarai, didn't settle the only other season she was exposed, so I'm especially crossing my fingers and toes for her.

    Well, I've witnessed it, Shelly, but it's QUICK. I'll add Boilermaker to the list. ;-)

    Laura, your suggestion sounds similar to the name of a college classmate, Birgit (pronounced "Beergit"), but I'm not sure I can get to Beergarita from there!

    Beth, I think we've rounded the bend to the "changeable season." We had the rain and overcast days; now it's sunny and in the 80s again. We'll flop back and forth for awhile - but never get as cold as New Hampshire!


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