Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Colors and creatures

I've noticed fall colors showing up here and there for awhile now. This gorgeous Japanese maple was at the entrance to a store I visited Monday.

My Japanese maples at home aren't showing much color yet, except for their samaras.

The handsome Nightcap at rest.

This HUGE slug was just outside the garage door when I came up from doing morning chores. I just had to place an egg nearby for scale, which made it pull in its optic tentacles and constrict a bit. I should have disposed of it somehow, given that it's a destructive, introduced species, but I just couldn't stomach it. Maybe a raccoon will munch on it tonight!

That's it for today from . . .


  1. Holy crap, I have NEVER, ever seen a slug that big before!!!! Yikes!!!!

    On the other hand, your sheep are too cute; I just adore them; hubby used to live on a sheep farm so I have an affinity for them.

    Fall is showing it's colours up here in full force; but you have to look quickly - it doesn't last long as the leaves drop in a few weeks and the trees will be bare till next Spring.

  2. That slug is huge compared to the egg.

  3. Hello Michelle. I love your maple leaves picture... so beautiful and colorful. The slug is so big, I have never seen before. Your blog is so interesting and really inspire me. Maybe I'm your newest follower. I invite you to visit my blog. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Upon seeing that slug, I would have gone into the house and started packing for a move. (I'm kidding. But only a little. Eeeeuww!)

    Our colors here in northern Minnesota are way behind usual schedule. In a normal (!) year, we can count on the third weekend in September being peak colors. According to a local map, we are currently only 20-25% there. What's going on?

  5. OMG. I would have run, screaming like a little girl in the opposite direction of that gigundo slug! What a handsome boy Nightcap is - what beautiful EWE lambs you will have this coming spring. Our color is coming on quickly now that we've had a few frosty nights. I think it's a bit early, but I do love the colors.

  6. Beautiful pictures of the Japanese Maple trees, the slug and your sweet Nightcap.

    Now that is a nice size slug if I do say so.

  7. Beautiful maple tree, very handsome ram........and, um..an interesting slug. My chickens would be in hog heaven if they found that thing. :)

  8. Can you bring me a couple of samaras? I'd like to grow some!! Beautiful pictures (except for the slug..) you need ducks - they'll eat them right up, yum!

  9. My gosh, they grow those slugs BIG in the northwest! Wow! I found one in my KITCHEN this morning, but thank heavens, not that big!

  10. And I have never seen a slug down here in the mountains
    at least nothing more than the tiny little grey ones and that onyl once in a great while. That is one big slug.
    I wonder if skunks eat them too, I have noticed skunk scratches around looking for grubs I'll bet, grubs, slugs, they seem like they would be close on the food chain!

  11. One word: Salt. (Works on small slugs, anyway.)


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