Monday, September 30, 2013

And you thought I was exaggerating!

Four inches, that's how much was in the rain gauge this morning before I dumped it – and it has already rained some more. While I was gone – sometime on Friday – Brian dumped 1.5 inches out of it. So that's 5.5 inches in less than a week. I'm thankful Boulderneigh is on a hill!

They may not realize it, but the sheep are thankful not to be sodden, muddy messes. Here are Blake and Browning, contentedly munching hay in their dry stall. (I love the peek into their neck fleeces – and Blake's forehead tuft! :-)

This morning it stopped raining long enough for Annabelle to venture out of the Ram-ada Inn to look for her grain. The strong south winds of yesterday's storm blew quite a bit of rain into both the Inn and the Sheep Sheraton, but the sheep still had some shelter.

This morning after dumping the rain gauge, I checked on my herb barrel. Looks like there is still plenty of goodies available for the picking and using. I need to check on the garden proper, too.

The chive has a sweet little flower stalk:

The sunset maples planted next to the house's south wall are turning gold. The dogwood's leaves are getting rosy, too. The rest of the deciduous trees are still green. With the weather we've been having, my brain says the branches should be BARE!

That's it for today from . . .


  1. Really, I sure wish some of these other states would share a little rain, not much, maybe and inch would be nice. Well farmers don't want to see any, raisins are still on paper trays drying so rain would totally ruin their crop, counting the days til they pick up the raisins then I will be out there doing a rain dance.

  2. We had rain for one day this week, we sure could use more in the western part of Oklahoma, this is where the drought is severe.

  3. I like your herbs pot. So stunning.

  4. OMG, Michelle! What a downpour! We haven't had rain for quite a few days - nothing like some parts of the country. Hope it moves off and you get your typical lovely fall weather soon!

  5. Audrey and Sandy, there is close to an inch in the rain gauge again; I would happily have sent that to you! The wine grape growers here are not thrilled with the rain, either; it dilutes the sugars and contributes to cracking and mold.

    Thank-you, Endah. This is the first year I've been happy with my herb horticulture!

    I'm not counting on a big change, Susan. Maybe I'll be happily surprised. :-/

  6. so that's where all the rain has disappeared to! :D


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