Friday, August 02, 2013

If a woman falls in the forest...

. . . can she just lay there and enjoy it for awhile undisturbed?

This has been a whirlwind week. I had a bad haircut; a good PT session (see above); a really short night*; a couple mornings dragging my tail following said night; and am getting camper and horse trailer loaded with all things necessary for our little get-away this weekend (thankfully, I've got help on that last one). Oh, how I'm looking forward to some peaceful rides in the woods on my handsome horse, some socializing and spinning around the campfire, and just sitting and listening to the wind in the firs!

In spite of being "as busy as ten things"** and only having the energy of one-tenth of a thing, yesterday I finally skeined off the two-ply Browning yarn I finished during the TdF. (Can you tell skeining is not my favorite part of spinning?) Now I can ply some more from those two big bobbins of singles. But not while camping; I don't have a battery for my miniSpinner. I'll be taking my spindle.

For Fresh on Friday, I'll share part of last night's harvest (Rick also picked some marionberries and put them in the frig.):
I had enough basil to make three batches of pesto; I froze an icecube tray full, used some for supper (along with the other veggies) and still have some in the frig. Yum!

*My MIL flew back to AZ this week for medical appointments and to prepare and list her house for sale, which necessitated a 2:45 a.m. wake-up call to get her to the airport on time.

**Something my mom used to say. Is it familiar to anyone else?

That's it until we return to . . .


  1. Michelle, I am behind reading this week and had not known you had been hurt... I'm so sorry!
    Your yarn looks beautiful, as always! I am buried in tomatoes here... and lots of basil!

  2. Oh I so need to get my eyes checked, LOL, I was wondering why there were bandages on an egg, After reading MA's comment I had to go back and look againl. So sorry for your boo-boo, guess I was thinking of your last post of the egg blocked chicken.

    Have fun on your camping trip and enjoy those s'mores.

  3. It's an old injury that just hasn't healed on its own, and I got tired of dealing with the nagging discomfort, limited range of motion, and lately, some loss of strength on my dominant side from compensating for it. I think it happened last winter when I was hand-walking a very cooped-up Lance during his stall rest at his previous owner's barn....

  4. Those are some serious bandages! I think it's time for you go to into the woods and relax! Sounds like you have the perfect weekend coming up. Lovely spinning, by the way - that yarn looks great!

    1. Susan, that is taping to support the shoulder, not bandages. It has helped a lot, too!

  5. You are my spinning idol. Your work is so beautiful. With you as my idol, my spinning has gotten better in the last year, thank heaven. I am enjoying it so much more than I used to, and it doesn't hurt that it is looking better, either.
    Take it easy on that shoulder!!

  6. Forgot to ask, what happened to the last couple of lines of your text, they are teeny tiny or is that my eyes too?

  7. Hi Michelle, I am totally behind on my blog reading this week - doesn't sound like those are decorative bandages :D Horse women get hurt sometimes... hope the bandages help?! Your weekend trip sounds soooooo great.... gosh, can't remember the last time we went camping... I used to go all the time... getting out of practice and that is definitely not good! :D
    I love the yarn girlfriend, absolutely yummy!
    Enjoy yourself and breathe deeply of the scent of fir and fresh air!

  8. Oh Sharrie, I think you could have picked a better one! I'm glad if I have been able to inspire just a little bit, though.

    Audrey, I made them smaller, like footnotes.

    Beth, the PT AND the taping helped. I took the tape off last night and the shoulder is still feeling better than it did before my appointment.

  9. If you would promise to just lie there and take a break, I would PUSH you over....! (Said with much love.....hahaha)

    Feel better!

    1. Okay, that made me laugh out loud, Melanie! You'll be proud to know that I DID take a break . . . a little one . . . . ;-)

  10. I have not heard that expression before, but I certainly know the feeling of being "as busy as ten things"... Oh yes.
    The yarn is beautiful. The veggies too. I can taste the pesto.

  11. A camping trip that involves spinning..wonderful!!

  12. I love reading your blog. It's such a "breath of fresh air"! : )

  13. Thanks, Farmlady; the pesto did turn out well, if I do say so myself!

    It was, 13!

    Why, thank-you, FiberPunkin – and thanks for commenting, too!

  14. Sorry to hear about your fall....your poor leg !
    Apart from the injuries a very nice post, those veggies look delish. hope you' be fighting fit again soon ♥

  15. Yikes! Shoulders are tough :-/.


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