Tuesday, August 20, 2013


 Taken last night; see the serendipitous bird?
Taken tonight; I filled this one in record time!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. the full moon tonight surprised me, I haven't seen it the last 2 nights due to the clouds and thunder and lightning.

    I think you need to submit your header picture to The Shepherd and see if it can't be on the cover.

    Keep filling those bobbins, lookin' good.

  2. Browning makes such pretty yarn!

  3. I saw the bird, do you know what it was? The moon was so beautiful, I said my prayers this morning as I watched it go down. It was as lovely then as last night.

  4. Thanks, all! Mary Ann, the bird has a crest so it must be a Steller's Jay.


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