Friday, August 30, 2013

Driving Miss Crazy, Part V

It is after five o'clock and we haven't left yet. Our destination is at least a four-hour drive away. We'll be setting up in the dark. This won't be the first time. ACK!!!

Definitely crazy now, at . . .


  1. What a busy, busy several days you've had. But it all sounds as though you have had a good time. I love your flannel night shirt shown a few posts back...I could definitely cosy down in that!

  2. What a bummer! I hope that everything went smoothly with camp set-up and getting the horses settled for the evening. The weekend away with the horses should be well worth all the time and effort.

  3. Well, with luck, you are there now, tucked into the campsite and getting some much deserved rest. What a week!

  4. I know, I've set up in the dark more than I care to remember!:D
    Enjoy the weekend my friend.

  5. Oh how I hate driving at night these days; it takes SO much more energy than it used to take. BE SAFE!


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