Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Driving Miss Crazy, Part II

Tuesday afternoon, as soon as Brian finished competing in the State Fair Draft Show, I jumped in my truck and headed north on the interstate. Franna was in Chehalis, WA, waiting very patiently for me to pick up her ram. When I arrived, she guided me back so our trucks were tailgate-to-tailgate, making it a quick, easy task to walk Nightcap from her crate to my crate. In that short time, I took in his handsome head, typey little tail, perfect size, smooth noggin, and gorgeous neck wool with its incredible crimp, color, and handle.

I arrived home at dusk, and proceeded to play "upset the sheep basket." First I moved Blake and Browning into the sheepfold, then caught each of my three breeding ewes and put them in the ram lot, leaving Bramble and the other three wethers in the wooded lot for the duration. Then I put Nightcap in with his intendeds. By this time it was too dark for good photos, but there was magic in the air and I can prove it. ;-)
See the "fairy dust"? (Nightcap is the one in the CLEAN coat.)

I was so impressed with Nightcap's calm demeanor, both while loading and unloading, and when I put him in the girls. The ewes gathered around him and they all sniffed noses, then he quietly sniffed tails as allowed.
This morning things were still calm in the honeymoon suite of the Ram-ada Inn. Mind you, I don't want things TOO calm; I do want lambs in about five months, after all!

It was a beautiful morning. I was up early to haul my horse to the State Fair to compete in the Mustang Show. Almost not early enough, it turned out, but we made it.

More to come from . . .


  1. I love the titles of these posts! I do see 'magic' in the air...and what beautiful EWE lambs you will have!

  2. : ) I cant wait to see some babies!

  3. OOOOHHH, this is going to be a long wait.

  4. "fairy dust"... Ram-ada Inn. Too funny. I love this post. Hope all works out well.

  5. How do you EVER pack so much into your days?


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