Sunday, July 07, 2013

Work, fun and yarn spun

Hi again; I hope you all had an awesome Independence Day! The days have shot by like a bottle rocket here. Fireworks, getting hay in the barn, Rick's mom spending the night, my best friend spending two nights, church, spinning every day for the Tour de Fleece, teaching my friend to spin, cooking, cleaning, eating, exercising, schooling my horse . . . everything but blogging, it would seem!

I have to brag on my friend; she took to spinning like Spiderwoman! While she was here she spun and plyed the dyed fiber left over from my Textiles class, ending up with 24 yards of very respectable yarn. She enjoyed it so much she decided she was going to have to make herself a spindle; instead I gave her the first spindle I ever purchased – a light, fast, top-whorl. It still had a fine longwool single I had spun on it; I told her she could ply it and use it to crochet a fancy edging on the potholder she wants to make with her first yarn.

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Tell her congratulaitons from someone that is all thumbs with a drop spindle. Pretty color.

  2. That gives me hope! I think I might try and dig out my spindle and give it another try. What a nice job for a first-timer - you're right; she's a natural!

  3. That yarn is the most beautiful color!

  4. I'm impressed, drop spindles and I have no love affair... supported spindles have worked for me but OMGosh drop spindles, eeek!


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