Sunday, June 02, 2013

Bony fingers

I have ideas for blogposts; I have photos for blogposts; I just haven't had time for blogposts!

Last week was jam-packed with jobs and deadlines, both paid and volunteer. I managed to get all of them done, and then stepped right into a jam-packed Sabbath. It was filled with fellowship, food, family, flowers and footsteps, not work, but after the week I had, I would have been happy to hole up at home to soak up some stillness. Oh well!

With the weather predicted to dry out and warm up, we had a lot on our combined agendas today. After a slow start (we were up way too late visiting last night), Rick and Brian took our pick-up and trailer to get hay and I tackled the weeds. After pulling up a boatload from around the house, I grabbed a shovel and headed into the pastures to chop thistles and tansy. Thanks to the many hours I spent eradicating them last year, the job was much easier this year. In the process I flushed this little fellow; he thought he was hidden in the grass and weeds.

I got through two of our three pastures plus adjacent areas. I know I'll have to walk through them again to get the thistles I missed or that emerge later, and still have the large upper pasture to walk through, but I feel really good about what I accomplished!

After a late lunch, Rick and I unloaded and stacked 155 bales of wonderfully fine, green, leafy hay. It was put up before heading out at the beginning of the month during our unusually early hot spell, and will be more than enough for my sheep for the year.

Speaking of sheep, Cadbury and Bonny were supposed to leave for their new home today. However, we didn't realize Cadbury had to be tested for ovine brucellosis for his health certificate, so their departure was rescheduled for next Sunday. I did manage to get Blake's fleece and feet trimmed, though; he was one of the sheep who was sheared at an inopportune time in the rise. Blake seemed to enjoy the attention; I think he's such a handsome ram! (Photos taken before trimming; here's a link to his pedigree.)
We finished the day with a simple but delicious supper, if I do say so myself: toast (homemade bread) with peanut butter and salad. The greens – various kinds of lettuce, spinach, and radish greens – were the first harvested from our garden (along with a few small radishes); I added carrots, avocado, sliced almonds, craisins and homemade Italian dressing.

That's it from a very tired farmhand at . . .


  1. That is some beautiful hay!
    Blake is very handsome. Love wrinkles on noses!

    1. Wow, I don't think I'd have any fingers left! Thanks for that by the way - one of those songs that sticks in my head, lol. I still remember riding the school bus in elementary school singing that song.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. I know; we were tickled to get it, and so early in the season! I'm afraid the horse hay we'll find now will be on the mature side.

      Heather, I forgot that my title is also a song; edited to add "earworm" to the labels. ;-)

  2. Nice load of hay. Is Blake naturally polled or did you disbud him?

    1. Oh no, no disbudding of sheep here (it's not a recommended practice due to sheep anatomy)! Blake is what I'm breeding for – fully polled - and hopefully next spring I'll have more like him. I plan to use a different fully polled ram and hope for some nice ewe lambs out of him that I can then breed to Blake. He's not related to any of my current flock except Bonny, and she's sold.

  3. Yes I agree, those wrinkles on Blake's nose caught my attention too... makes him look mischievous!
    Hugs and enjoy the week my friend!
    Beth P


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