Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Along the river and through the woods....

We're back safely, and everything at home stayed safe as well, praise the Lord. We were all tired, and slept in this morning; there's nothing like your own bed. It's gray and drippy today, which is fine for unpacking and laundry and school and such; not so great for exercising and riding, but we won't melt. The plant life is happy!

We had a good trip and visits with family on both sides. Watching some of the Ironman finishers come in (the impetus for our trip) was unexpectedly exciting. One older gentleman (no pic) crossed the finish line for the 69th time! (That's 2.4 miles of open-water swimming, 112 miles of cycling and a full marathon – MULTIPLIED BY 69!!!) Here are some highlights:

That's it for today from . . .

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had fun. I sure wish you, and the CrazySheepLady, and Mama Pea and a few other people would quit hogging all the rain so you can keep all your gardens lush and green. It's only 98 here and weathman says we are in for another heat way.


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