Thursday, June 27, 2013

"14 more jars of cherries on the wall..."

Yep, last night I put up another 14 quarts of cherries. Feeling pretty virtuous, I am, which must be why I'm rewarding myself with a rare "horse day." ;-)

Brian is at VBS and then will hang out with his grandma for the afternoon. In a bit I'm leaving to pick up a used saddle to try, then I'll come home, load up my horse and haul him, trial saddle, and old-synthetic-saddle-that-fits to a lesson – my first with young Lance. I'm excited!

Never fear, I'm not becoming a "woman of leisure." I just finished a client's newsletter and a load of laundry, and must now launch a short but determined assault against the weeds. After I get back I need to make a batch of bread and think I'll try my hand at cherry butter and cherry preserves. No point in letting all those cherries go to waste; Christmas is less than six months away!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Your canned cherrys are beautiful. Enjoy your well deserved afternoon!

  2. Beautiful cherries, and they will add a nice summery note to what ever you use them for this winter. Enjoy your well deserved horse time!

  3. OH -- those are sooooo beautiful!!!!! Fantastic!

  4. What kind of cherries are they? They look wonderful! What a great feeling - having all that delicious food put away for a wintry night! Have fun with your handsome horse!

  5. Good job on the cherries.

    Christmas???? Ah yes that's when the weather is supposed to be cooler isn't it? Less than 6 months, can't wait.

  6. How can you have a "horse day" when you're going to get all those other things done, too?!

    I'm curious, too, as how you will use all your canned cherries. Are they sour cherries so you can make pies with them? Or will they be served by themselves in a dish as dessert? Come on, great minds (ha!) want to know.

  7. I had a great lesson, Sheila, but it was MUGGY. Lance and I were both wet with sweat at the end!

    Sue, we just eat them as is, pitting them as we go.

    Thank-you, Miss Eff!

    Susan, they are Royal Ann and Bada, very similar varieties mostly grown for maraschino cherries.

    We can handle ANYthing for a few months; right, Audrey? That's an old saying of my mom's; just insert what you're currently enduring and the duration. And it's the truth!

    Well, it was more of a "horse afternoon," Mama Pea, and I was delighted to have one. Not much energy left now, but I must forge ahead. The cherries are sweet, and I use a light (4:1) syrup. We just enjoy them by the bowlful!

  8. It's so satisfying to have jars of canned things!

  9. I love cherries but I have never tasted preserved ones!Yours look wonderful.


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