Thursday, May 02, 2013

Of feathers and fiber

The chickies (I should say "pullets," since I call all the chickens "chickies") are learning to perch:

A boy and his bird:

Beautiful feathers:

Surprisingly wonderful fleece:

Why "surprisingly"? Last year Bramble was sheared during the rise and needed to be trimmed up – which I never got around to doing. So I thought she would have nasty felted tips, but her fleece actually looks and feels very nice and soft! It remains to be seen how it processes, though. I'm sending it to my friend Deb, who bought (and loved) Bramble's 2012 fleece, to play with.

I started scissor-shearing Bramble late Sunday afternoon, beginning with the end. Another surprise; she seems to have a rooable rise! She was jumping around a lot and I was running out of daylight and patience, so I covered her back up and will finish her another day. I hope she's not embarrassed....

That's it for now from . . .


  1. I guess she will only be embarrased if she reads you blog. It's amazing how small shetlands look after they are sheared.

  2. Wow, I guess I never knew just how thick the wool got before shearing! Hope you get back to it soon.

  3. Well, I've never seen the back end of a sheep looking like that before! ;o)

  4. The pullet IS beautiful, but so is the picture of Brian and her. I don't know much about sheep, but that IS a funny picture!

  5. Maybe we should call Brian the Chicken Whisperer - he seems to have such a gentle touch. A nice picture. If my wigglebottoms would hold still, I might even attempt to blade cut my own. However, I believe it would be too gory for all of us. What an amazing amount of fleece - and how I wish I could coat mine. They are 50% VM by now.

  6. Oh, Bramble is probably happy that her new looks makes her rear look smaller... and feel cooler.

  7. People who don't know anything about chickens are always surprised to find that some of them are very affectionate and love to be petted, held and snuggled. Sweet photo of Brian.

    The photo of Bramble invokes snarky comments about 'does this coat make my bottom look big?' Not after shearing! She will look positively svelte!

    Thundering here........getting ready to rain, just in time for the Derby. The ladies will have soggy hats today!

  8. Oh no! Bramble's bumm is showing. No wonder she wouldn't face the camera.

  9. patience and daylight...both the bane of a farmer's existence!

  10. That's 'a-lotta' wool! Very pretty.


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