Thursday, May 16, 2013

In the pink

Yesterday's Textiles class went really well – but I forgot to take photos! The peg looms we made work SO much better for the kids than the mattboard ones I made last year. I shouldn't have to do much supplemental weaving for the kids to be able to finish their projects next week, which is our last class. ACK! I've GOT to take pictures next week!

Today's specials:
Newly opened
Freshly adorned with raindrops
Yes, we are getting a little moisture! Not a lot, but every little bit lessens the amount of watering I have to do and the demand on our low-output well. It's cooler, too, which is welcome.

Did the sound of showers on the shed roof of the Sheep Sheraton inspire a spa day? The pullets were vigorously "dust-bathing" in the sheepfold bedding of their pen this morning; at one point all six of them were crowded into one spot on the floor. I went and got a scoop of diatomaceous earth to give them something beneficial (and dusty) to bathe in, which, of course, they were all afraid of; ha! I sat and watched their entertaining antics for quite awhile, and took a lot of photos (which I then proceeded to delete from my memory card after downloading the iris pix; sigh). The pullets are getting bigger and starting to cluck occasionally. Pretty soon we're going to have to think about integrating them into the flock. Rick thinks our present set-up is big enough for 15 chickens; I am sure we need to enlarge it.

That's it from a cool, gray . . .


  1. I'm sure you need to enlarge it too. The only reason my 10 x 10 coop works for 15 is that they have a huge yard outside. Even then, 3 of the Wyandottes persist in getting out to lay their eggs in the hay pile! Rule of thumb for confined chickens is about 4 sq. ft. per bird.

    Love the iris. If you ever divide them, I'd be happy to take some of the "extras"...

    1. If you want to come help clean out the weeds in my iris bed and divide the iris, you are welcome to take some! Most were gifts from my neighbor when HE divided his bed, so I'd be happy to pass on the good deed....

  2. Would have liked to have seen the pics of your kids' class and of the chickies, but your flower pictures are always gorgeous. Have a great day!

    1. Careful what you wish for; I took chick and kitty photos this morning. :-)

  3. I don't think I've ever seen a pink iris - it is so lovely! I think you'll have to add on, too. I am trying to figure out how to integrate my new bunch and I've concluded I need to come up with a Plan B. Would have been more helpful to have figured that out BEFORE getting the new chicks.

    1. As you know, these pullets were pressed upon us, so no chance to figure out logistics. Still don't know what I'm going to do about their quarters, I just know I HAVE to have bigger or different lodgings!


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