This house is just two short blocks from Faith House. The first time I saw it was at dusk; a bad time to take photos but a lovely time to admire the light glowing from within, especially through the faceted glass of the front door and transoms. In fact, I was so captivated by the beauty of the house that I didn't really notice the amazing live oak trees in the front yard!
I went back this morning to take pictures. I love everything about this house from the outside. Doesn't that room above the covered drive-through look like it would be full of light and perfect for a studio? If I could pick up this corner lot, with its house and amazing trees, and plop it on 20 acres set up for horses, I would be in heaven! (Which is probably a good reason not to have it – I don't want to get too comfortable on this ol' earth!)
On the short walk back to Faith House this morning after photographing my favorite house, I focused on a white-winged dove. I was hoping to catch bursting into flight, flashing its white-barred wings and tail, but am pretty pleased with the detail these show; such subtle but beautiful colors.
We left Houston this afternoon and are staying in Corsicana tonight. I fly home tomorrow from Dallas and will probably be in frantic catch-up mode for several days. The spring term of our homeschool co-op starts on Wednesday and I am teaching Textiles 101 again!
Next post will be from . . .
You are certainly there at a beautiful time of the year with all the azeleas in bloom!! Hope all is going well for you and your parents!