Thursday, March 07, 2013

Confections are overrated – and fattening!

Okay, so knitted confections have no calories, but let's just say I decided to go on a diet and cut out those extras. The "lovely confection" of a WIP I showed in last night's blog post? It turned into a "hairy nightmare"!

I had checked the always helpful Ravelry forum for this pattern (there's one for each of Romi's designs) to make sure I was doing things correctly, and noted a stitch count for where I was. Decided to check it and yeah, I'm off. Also noted that my marker count was off on one side. Thought I knew what caused the second problem, at least, and started to tink. Well, mohair is from  goats and goats are STUBBORN. I didn't get very far and went to bed frustrated (not good). This morning in the clear light of day (at least there's that!), I evaluated further and came to the conclusion that there is no easy way to fix this. Since I use knitting mostly as a relaxing hobby to indulge in during rare free moments, and I haven't been enjoying this yarn on my available needles, I did something drastic (for me). I threw it in the frog pond – for good. (Actually, I threw it in the freezer, which is supposed to help it unravel a little easier.)

So. I'm planning to knit another pair of ribbed fingerless mitts, and a colorful hat in bulky yarn, and a classic little vest that just came out in the spring edition of Knitty, and, and . . . and maybe finish my slooooow socks. I'm feeling much better now. :-)

Oh. Guess what I saw in the pasture when I was riding Lance this afternoon?

Spring has officially sprung at . . .


  1. I can identify with you but I would so love to see a dandelion... anywhere right now!

  2. 8* here this morning, dandelions are a long way off!

  3. Oh, I vote for starting the vest. It will look great on you!

  4. I'm so happy for you and the charming little dandelion. Spring is coming and the cold will become a distant memory.
    As for the knitted confection... keep trying. I can't do fingerless gloves and want to learn. I admire your abilities.
    Happy Spring.

  5. Karen and Laura, I welcome dandelions; they are so cheerful – and the sheep and chickens love them!

    Thanks, Shelly; that is a powerful vote since you are a IRL friend! I spent some time this morning inventorying my yarn options, and have several. I'm tempted to make one out of commercial yarn to make sure it is a keeper (and could gift that version), then make another out of the special millspun a friend gave me from her Boulderneigh wethers. I'm going to do the mitts and hat, too; I feel so energized by ditching the Fuzzy Coyote that casting on three new projects sounds like FUN!

    Farmlady, that project out of that yarn is a goner, even though I haven't unraveled it yet. The convincing thing is how joyful I feel since making that decision! You have to know when to cut bait....

  6. I am jealous of your GRASS! Its still snowing here:(

  7. I am jealous of your GRASS! Its still snowing here:(


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