Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Almost-wordless Wednesday

Wood for next winter
Mid-side sample rooed from Sarai
Contrasts: dead leaves, fresh flowers
Hello, my beautiful Annabel Lee!

That's it for hump day here at . . .


  1. I'm jealous of your spring flowers already. Although I guess at least here the snow is melting again. What a great looking fleece sample as well.

  2. I love the name Annabel Lee!!
    I had to memorize the poem- It was many and many year ago in a kingdom by the sea, that a maiden there lived whom you may know by the name of Annabel Lee.
    I've got to look it up know because I can't remember the rest!! Nice piece of wool!!

  3. We hope to have our wood stove in this winter, with any luck, I'll blog about it ;)
    I've finally returned to my blog, will try to keep it going!

  4. Short and sweet!! Don't you just love collecting firewood? Almost as good as money in the bank. :)

  5. Such a sweet, sweet face :-)

  6. All lovely... but the beautiful Annabel Lee is as good as it gets.
    Really wonderful photo of her.

  7. Thanks, Shula; Sarai is my finest-fleeced ewe with a gorgeous fleece. :-)

    Suzan, I nicknamed Annabelle because she came to me without a name, only a number. ALL sheep here get names!

    I read your post, Becky; I'm always glad to see a new one on your blog!

    Yep, firewood is a blessing, Lorie

    Adrienne and farmlady, I must admit that Annabelle is does not have the prettiest head in the flock. But she is a beautiful soul and has made huge contributions in my little flock, so I'm always tickled to get a good photo of her.


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