Sunday, February 17, 2013


When I let the dogs out this morning, this greeted me:

Such glorious light – it seemed to come straight from heaven!

Uplifted, I sat down in my chair to check email. A telltale sound came from the glass door that leads to the deck. I got up to see one of our less common visitors, a chestnut-backed chickadee, laying face-down. I quickly let the dogs in through the front door, hoping that the wee thing was just stunned. Sadly, it never moved again.
Ah nature; such an imperfect revelation of God! It reminded me of I Corinthians 13:12; "For now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. And now abideth faith, hope, charity; these three; but the greatest of these is charity." The God Who notes each sparrow that falls (Matthew 10:29) promises a time when "there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." (Revelation 21:4). Until then, love will see us through.

Blogpals often give me wonderful examples of love. Just this weekend, Donna wrote of rescuing some goats and sheep she had sold, Dormouse wrote of choosing to save lives over saving money, and  Anna wrote of buying a weak chick from the feed store so it could live a portion of its life on a farm, rather than dying unloved and tossed into a dumpster. Such tender hearts; sermons in shoes.

That's it for today from . . .


  1. I looked at this post and thought 'what beautiful photos', and then started to read the post and began to feel saddened when I read about the bird, until I came to your beautiful reminder of a tender love. Thank you.

  2. Yep, you got it just right! Pity on the chickadee, such a handsome little bird it is Michelle.

  3. Aww, poor little thing. One of my absolute favorite woodland birds. Love those little black tops!

  4. There are reasons that we don't see or understand for these deaths, but they are as right as the beautiful life that was lived.
    For now, we do we "see through a glass, darkly",

  5. Michelle, a wonderful post.. I'm going to go look at those blogs, because if they moved you, they are worth reading.

  6. Beautiful post Michelle. It's always good to remember our Lord's promises to us. Such a pretty little bird. :(
    That's kind of how we looked at adopting Sugar...we have so much love to give, and there sat that extra stall. We'd rather ensure her a wonderful home over saving that money.
    She really is a sweetheart too!! Ladde's in LOVE...should have called him Valentino! *rolling eyes*

  7. we all have to be the stewards God calls us to be; loved this post, Michelle, well done.

  8. I'm so glad that a little of what was on my heart came through to you; thank-you all for sharing this with me!

  9. Right on, and well put!
    Won't it be astonishing when we truly see real reality!

    As for the poor little chickadee: Not too long ago I read about a woman who wrote of holding birds, that had been stunned in all apparent lifelessness by flying into a glass window, against her chest over her heart and breathing quietly yet deeply. She wrote that sometimes it may take an hour or more when suddenly the bird will revive with a start and fly off as though nothing had happened.
    I plan to try this the next time a bird hits one of our windows.

  10. Poor chickadee!
    So good of you to bring the dogs in through another door. What a prize that would have been for your pooches!

  11. Thanks Michelle for the honorable mention. I would hope that I did not do anything that others wouldn't do. And I still need to rescue those sheep.


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