Sunday, November 04, 2012

Enjoying it while it lasts

That's what I'm trying to do with our autumn color, now that we have some. On my way home from church yesterday, I enjoyed the blessings of time and beauty, stopping here and there to try and capture a little of it to share. Oh, fleeting and fabulous fall!

That's it for today, from . . .


  1. Exquisite photos. I agree, there are so many perfect moments in autumn and somehow we are more aware of their fleeting nature. We are now into the grey waiting days here, between fall and winter.

    1. I do NOT miss the barren brown/grey winters of the midwest, where you hope for snow to cover the ugly – OR having the ground covered by varying amounts of snow for six months like we experienced in Minnesota! Here the ground is covered with bright, vivid green in the winter, which is a feast for the eyes and helps make up for our often grey skies.

  2. Yep, I was just thinking yesterday that Oregon does have fall colors... Love your pictures.

    1. Thank-you! I want to see more pictures of YOUR area, as I have never been that far south in the state.

  3. Why do spring and fall seem like shorter seasons than summer and winter. Love the photos.

  4. I'm with Tombstone Livestock! I want a fall season as long (at least!) as summer!

    You truly have some GORGEOUS scenery in your neck of the woods. Thanks for sharing. We're into bleak November when I yell, "Bring on the snow!"

    1. See my reply to Cloverleaf; you can keep your snow! ;-)

  5. I'm with Tombstone too!!! GORGEOUS pictures!!!


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