Tuesday, November 06, 2012

A type of fertilizer

Autumn and winter are not considered "growing seasons" here in the Northern Hemisphere, but thanks to Vicki at 2 Bags Full and her Grow Your Blog party, it can be growing season if you have a blog!

Would you like more visitors and followers? More visitors and followers means more comments, and for me, your comments are the icing on my blog-cake. Plain cake can be tasty (depending on the cake) but icing makes it. (Okay, that's putting it nicely. What I usually say about cake – and it applies to blogging, too – is that cake is simply a carrier for frosting. As much as I like to bake/write/photograph, I'm not sure I'd continue to do any of it without "frosting.") So I am joining in on this party and invite you to do so if you'd like to. I'll be thinking of a prize to give away here, too, to make it a little more fun (hopefully).

Knowing how much I value your feedback nudges me to make the effort to comment more often on others' blogs. Comments are kind of like smiles; they take so little time and effort but can do so much to brighten the lives of others. So share a smile with all you meet today – and consider leaving a comment on all the blogs you visit today!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Cute Michelle! Thanks for the link too. ;)

    1. You're welcome, Theresa -- are you going to join in?

  2. I've been reading your blog for awhile, but I haven't commented until today! I LOVE your sheep adventures and all the pictures!

    1. Hi LA, thanks so much for commenting, and nice to "meet" you!!!

  3. I love comments too!!! BTW-your blog is one that I read everyday, love your pictures. Being a FF sister doesn't hurt either. :)

  4. I appreciate comments too, makes blogging so much more fun! Hope your day is wonderful Michelle.

  5. Yes, comments are kind of like smiles. I like that. I really appreciate it when someone reads my blog posts and leaves a response.... as you always do.
    I will make even more of an effort to leave a few words at each stop.
    Thanks for this reminder.

  6. What a great idea! I love your blogs Michelle, it always seems to put a smile on my face. I won't commit just yet to the 'party' because I have been 'absent' from my own blog for most of the year, but I do hope to get back in the swing of things. Once I do, I will join the 'party'!!
    Thanks Michelle!!

  7. Love the idea about he party. I always love your posts and pictures as well Michelle.

  8. Michelle-- somehow I just stumbled upon your post-- cutest thing ever-- love your reference to icing on the cake!! Thank YOU for helping to spread the word!! It's going to be a great party!!!

  9. I agree Michelle, that's pretty much why I quit blogging... I may pick it up again, but its just like talking to myself if no one lets me know they were there. Icing is a good analogy, cake without icing, is just cake :)

  10. I love your blog, and am so happy I found it. :-)


I'm a blogger - I love comments! Oh, and you DON'T have to check that box proving you're not a robot; you'll still be able to leave your comment without it!