Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Canning and planning

Processed another batch of apple pie filling this morning for a total of 20 quarts on the pantry shelf plus a Corningware dishful in the frig ready to be topped and baked for dessert tonight. I think I'll prep one more batch of pie filling tomorrow evening for canning Thursday morning, then do my best to use up the remaining apples by drying, making apple butter and canning more applesauce. I feel like I've got apples coming out my ears, but all the things I'm putting up will help feed my family and visitors while keeping our grocery bill down.

I still have pumpkins to use, too. Since I haven't resolved my storage problem (no room in the freezer; smooth-top range unsuitable for pressure canning), the best I can do right now is cook and puree my big kettle's worth for another pumpkin recipe binge. For potluck last week, someone brought pumpkin pie filling baked in a 9x13 casserole; I liked it even better than pumpkin pie! That will definitely go on the binge list. (All you pie crust lovers can just shoot me.)

The socks are growing . . . ever so slowly. I could say that's because I haven't had much time to knit and that would be true, but I also know I make time to knit when the project is compelling (read NOT on size 0 needles!). There is a certain pattern that is calling to me like a siren – the next pattern in Romi Hill's newest ebook, 7 Small Shawls; Year 3: Home is Where the Heart Is.
It's called Zephyr Cove for a location on Lake Tahoe. I love the way it starts with a leaf –

and ends with waves –
All project photos from Romi's blog

I have this yarn ready and waiting –
Dream In Color Smooshy, Beach Fog and Deep Seaflower
for the pattern to be released! (For those who don't know, Romi pre-sells her ebooks and releases its nine patterns over a year – while also creating other projects. She is an amazingly prolific designer!) I haven't been so eager to knit something in, well, maybe ever!

Knitting and canning; good indoor activities for rainy weather.

That's it for today from . . .


  1. You will enjoy the apples all winter long ... pumpkin pie with no crust sounds good too.

  2. For the holidays I always make a double batch of pumpkin pie filling - half for a pie, half cooked up as custard. Love it for breakfast!

    1. Oh, breakfast! I LOVE dessert for breakfast! Thanks for that idea!

  3. That is a beautiful shawl!!
    Just a thought...there is a food bank in Carlton at the big, white community church on the corner just down from the city hall. They accept food donations of all kinds for needy families. You might be able to help feed someone in need if you have so much to spare.

    1. They take raw produce, and less than "grocery store perfection"? I know they can't take home-canned foods because of liability; we can't even donate that for our church's Thanksgiving food boxes, which always gets my goat.

  4. I'm almost done with my apples - did another 9 qts. of pie filling this am. On the way home from Hood River yesterday, I bought 66 lbs. of pears - Boscs for drying, and bartlets for canning, probably with ginger. I need to start on them, but I realized today that the Portland Sale is 2 weeks away - how did that happen!! I have lots of dyeing to do...

    1. You're a glutton for punishment, woman!

  5. I wish I was as far "into" my apples as you are! Although our crop was only about half as large as last year, and we have been eating the ones that aren't so tart, so we are going through some already.

    I think we're all finding very interesting projects to either knit or quilt (or whatever) this time of year. I'm working on a knitted afghan and I keep wondering how much progress I could make if I took one whole day to work on it. (Dream on? Yeah, I suppose. At least for right now. Come on snow!!!)

  6. We use our large camp stove for canning. The kind that has legs, putting it at normal working height, with 2 giant burners. It gets set up on the covered back porch at the beginning of canning season and stays until we're done for the year. (Unless we need it for camp cooking.)

    Hmmm pumpkin "pie" in a 9x13, that would suit Ed since he's not fond of pie crusts.

  7. Haven't touched my apples yet. Grrrr... they are staring me in the face.

  8. You've inspired me to do two things, pie without the crust (and I'm a CRUST person), and darn it, I just ran of to Ravelry and bought the subscription to Romi's current collection. I've even got yarn in my stash for Carson, and yarn for Zephyr is on the way. I've always loved her designs, so I'm not sure how I missed this one! Thanks...
    (And I'd take a few pumpkins off of your hands if I was a bit closer! mmm)

    1. Is that you, Holly? If so, I just saw your comments on Ravelry and added you as a friend there. So nice to know I can inspire once in awhile! ;-)

  9. Oh .. that shawl!! Beautiful!! And I love the yarn you chose! Happy Knitting!

  10. Can't wait to see how your shawl turns out. Love that pattern. Must learn to knit, must learn to knit!

  11. Romi Hill is a big favorite of yours, isn't she? I can see why. That shawl is beautiful, and I love it in those colors.

  12. Gorgeous. The colors in the shawl are to die for.

  13. That is an absolutely beautiful shawl! And I love your yarn! Also, I am highly in favor of crustless pie!

  14. Yes Michelle, fresh produce from home is acceptable. Our neighbor donates much of his home-grown produce.

  15. The shawl is gorgeous! Makes me want to knit a bit. :) Canned apple pie filling sounds really good too. Yum.

  16. I can't wait to see your shawl!! wish wish wish wish I could knit.. I have yet to find a crochet pattern that is that beautiful..

  17. Beautiful yarn, beautiful pattern. I know where "Zephyr Cove" is. It's beautiful too.
    All that canning... wow! You make me feel like I should go out and GET MORE APPLES. Canning is so satisfying. I might just go do this.
    Nice post.


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