Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Best utilization of a hot flash

Yesterday I opened the door to the deck, pulled up a chair, and cooled off while stalking one of my favorite visitors to our bird feeder, the Red-breasted Nuthatch. Fall bokeh was a bonus!

Vacillating between hot and cold at . . .


  1. Vacillating between hot and cold.... how well I remember those days! Love the nuthatch.

  2. I love that bird - such a finely designed little feathered package! That's a great way to 'use' a hot flash! Wonderful pictures.

  3. Wonderful photos of these little charmers!

  4. I can relate!!! I am either sweating or shivering lately and I have no idea why men got to miss out on this special rite of passage.

  5. Wonderful photos. Love the Bokeh.
    Hope the "heat" breaks soon. I remember it well.


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