Saturday, September 01, 2012

Serene Sabbath

Yesterday morning's sky. Isn't that incredible?
Just got back from a walk in perfect weather with my husband and two dogs (Brian is playing at a friend's house). We passed vineyards gravid with yet-green clusters, and trees laden with apples, pears and walnuts. We are so blessed to live here!

Our visit with "found family" Thursday evening was wonderful. I felt instant warmth and ease with them, and only wish we could have spent more time together. I think I learned more about my paternal grandmother's family in one conversation that I had gleaned in 50 years! Should write it down, although I don't know if Brian will ever be interested in all that old history. Then again, if I don't record it, he may not ever have access to it should he become interested. Yeah; I should write it down.

This afternoon I got to visit on Skype with my best friend who moved to Saipan, my first experience with a video call. You know what? Sometimes technology IS all that and more! It was so good to see her face, her smile. We even hugged our computers as the next best thing to being able to hug each other.

Yesterday I enjoyed some quality time with Bing. Someone is interested in him, so I took some current photos. If Jery takes him home, he will be a loved pet and therapy animal, as they have foster kids for whom their animals play an important role. Jery tracked me down this year after purchasing a Shetland ewe lamb out of Boulderneigh Bella, the very first lamb born at Boulderneigh, and it turns out we have several other things in common, like horses and homeschooling. She is interested in learning to spin this winter; Bing's fleece should spoil her for anything other than fine, soft, crimpy Shetland!

Black as black can be; the flash is reflecting off his luster and lanolin.
Wishing you a peaceful end to your week, from . . .


  1. Fantastic cloud photo, thanks for sharing, good shot of Bing also.

  2. Beautiful sky photo. Isn't it amazing what Mother Nature gives us; we just have to take the time to enjoy it. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  3. Incredible photo of the sky! We all need to slow down enough to appreciate these wonders of Mother Nature.

    Do be sure to write down the family history you recently learned. Even if Brian never has the urge to delve into it, his future wife may love genealogy and benefit from the information. That's happened in our family and has been greatly appreciated by many.

    Sounds like Bing may be going to a wonderful home!

  4. Bing has the cutest expression!


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