Friday, September 07, 2012

Que Sarai, Sarai

I'm dating myself with that earworm!

Yesterday morning when I turned the sheep out, Bramble was the last to leave the fold. All the rest bellied up to the hay bag; she laid down and stretched her head out as if to take a nap.  Odd – and with sheep, odd is a warning sign. So I went over to check her out. Of course then she popped up and acted as if nothing was wrong.
Bramble is my pretty poser – some of my best sheep photos are of her – and likely a freemartin. She has never settled, and her external anatomy differs a bit from my other ewes. Like the wethers, she will pay for herself in fleeces and friendliness unless and until a good fiber pet home opens up for her.

My presence in the sheep lot was duly noted, and sweet Sarai sought stroking more over sustenance.
To my great disappointment, this girl didn't settle last year. I put her in Whistlestop Bunker's breeding group, and anticipated exquisite offspring from my finest, softest ram and my finest, crimpiest ewe. Here's a shot of Sarai's fleece midside that I took yesterday:
I just love this!
If I am blessed by the sale of a few more sheep before the end of the year, I will put Sarai and Bunker together again – and cross my fingers and toes for a EWE!

Que sera sera, from . . .


  1. That fleece is fabulous! Shetlands have the greatest personality; I just love mine.

  2. Don't you just love a sheepie face? My wether is like that. Such beautiful fleece! Here's hoping the next go around is the one that takes - what an amazing offspring that will be!

  3. Wow! That is SOME FLEECE! :-D

  4. I always loved that song (there, I dated MYSELF) but what I love best is that you kept Bramble despite her not settling!

  5. When neither of my does settled last year, a neighboring Nigerian Dwarf breeder said a number of folks in her circle had poor breeding success last year as well. I reckon we're all hoping for better results this year. And I have to say, Sarai's fleece is absolutely mouth watering!

  6. Lovely photos and Oh... that fleece.
    Hope Bramble is OK.


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