Friday, September 21, 2012

Immeasurable moisture

The marine layer was a little more substantial this morning. It wouldn't have made a mark in a rain gauge, but it did make for some pretty pictures and a refreshing feeling in the air!

This afternoon I ran over to the Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival. Got to enjoy my newly finished scarf/neckwarmer since it never got above the mid-60s today; got lots of compliments on it, too. (It is very gratifying to wear handknits to fiber events!) Turned in my photos, helped Laura set up her booth for awhile, and then headed home with our new flock members, three beautiful Golden Girls (one Easter Egger and two Buff Orpingtons). Now it's time to hit the hay; too many late nights are catching up with me!

That's it for today from . . .


  1. Say hello to Garrett. Love the new "girls", they are quite a lovely shade of yellow.
    Did you receive your prizes!?

    1. Will do re Garrett and YES!, I got the box yesterday and was so surprised by both the check and lovely frame! Will be blogging about it when I can. I got two blue ribbons at OFFF for photos, too (but no prizes there).

    2. Oops, not yesterday -- Saturday!

  2. Oh shoot. I told Cindie to look for Finney Creek Farm. I didn't know Laura was going by Fiber Voodoo. Doh.


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