Monday, August 06, 2012

More feet and fleece

This morning, in the shade with a cool breeze blowing, I trimmed hooves on the last four sheep. That would be the rams – Cadbury, Bunker and Blake, plus Browning, Brian's wether. Cadbury needed to move up to a size E coat, so he got his picture taken:
Kimberwood Cadbury

Mid-side at last rib
Winner of Boulderneigh's 'best fleece on the hoof' award!
Bunker didn't need a new coat, but I couldn't resist a fleece shot anyway. His crimp has stayed tiny and his numbers are awesome – 23.1 AFD, 4.6 SD, 20 CV, 8.5 CEM, 93.6% CF, 22.3 SF. I have to try breeding Sarai to this boy again this fall; she has similar numbers (24.7/4.1/16.8/6.9/93.4%/23.2) and the resulting lambs should have fabulous fleece and conformation.

Last but not least, I give you the best-looking polled ram ever, IMHO – Boulderneigh Blake.

It's hard to take a bad picture of this photogenic boy, in part because he is just so calm and cooperative. Yeah, I like him; I like him a lot. I wish I had more opportunity to use him!

That's it for today from . . .


  1. He is a handsome fella....and what a poser. :)

  2. He IS handsome.

    Sorry about your heat. We are temp cooler + humidity higher = miserable here as well.

  3. Well, I'm not sure I understand all this sheep talk and numbers but that Boulderneigh Blake is a handsome dude. I think he knows it.
    Love the photos.


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