Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Change is in the air

A light jacket for chores often feels good. An occasional hot drink hits the spot. There's a twinge of color showing in the Sunset Maples next to the house. The barn is finally full of fresh hay. We've even had a couple of light (very light) showers. Yes, change in the air!

That's a regular-sized egg with an "Ouch; that HAD to hurt!" egg
Canadian Harmony peaches = perfection!
Not that the delights of summer are past. The zucchini explodes when I turn my back while the chickens are laying just a bit more. We are freezing and happily foundering on fresh peaches; the neighbor's seconds this year are just gorgeous.

This is the time of year that the thoughts of the shepherd turn to breeding groups. However, I'm not at all sure that I will be breeding any ewes this fall. I still have two of last year's and two of this year's lambs, and my set-up (and marital harmony) can only accommodate so many sheep. I really want to breed Sarai (a ewe with excellent type and fleece who didn't settle last year) and Annabelle (top-notch producer who is nine years old with limited breedings left), and have access to a total-package ram (full-polled moorit with fine fleece and fab conformation); but such is life with its tough choices. Let me know if you are in the market for breeding stock or fiber pets!

That's it for today from . . .


  1. Mornings are cooling off here too, wish afternoons would. This year was the hottest August on Record according to today's news. Guess that large egg would be good for frying that large zucchini. Love the peaches.

    1. TL, I did make zucchini patties with those ingredients; yum!

  2. You know what I like about you, Michelle? You are thinking before you are breeding... I know so many who breed "because the market is sure to come back".... you restore my faith!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Mary Ann. It's hard to make the right choices, sometimes.


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