Sunday, July 01, 2012

Just keeping my head above water

So much for "full steam ahead." EVERYthing takes longer when you have a family – and property – under normal operating conditions. Add in various "monkey wrenches," like septic system failures and a 10-year-old with a raging case of poison oak, and good intentions and to-do lists fall by the wayside. Plus we are getting everything ready for a six-day horse-camping trip. Things here at home have to be taken care of; things that will be going need to be planned for and packed.

With all of the above and needing to finish my friend's going-away gift shawl, I nearly threw in the towel on le Tour de Fleece. Instead, I dropped some of my expectations, grabbed some handy fiber for a spindle, picked up where I left off months ago on my miniSpinner, and managed to get some spinning done for all my teams last night. Ah, it felt good. That's why I accept challenges like the TdF; it gets me back to doing things I really love to do, so often crowded out by the daily grind.

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Ahhhh Country Living, went thru the Septic Tank problems in March, no water in May, had to replace pressure tank, today I went out and filled everyones water tubs, watered the willow tree, came in the house, went to wash my hands, no water in the house, since everyone had fresh water ....... I TOOK A NAP, now I have to go out and deal with what is wrong this time. One step forward, two steps or more back, at least I will never run out of projects to do.

  2. sorry to hear about all the misery - ugh failed septic tank and poison oak.

    I'm so glad you've joined Team Jenkins for the TdF - enjoy those snatched moments of spinning serenity.

  3. mercy, sorry to hear of the trials and tribulations of country living; it can be overwhelming a lot of the time.


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