Monday, July 30, 2012

Down to seven

We lost Muffy as feared, so we are down to seven hens. Since Laura has a bunch of pullets, I asked her if she wants to sell any. Sounds like a couple of beautiful buff-colored hens will be coming to Boulderneigh!

In the meantime, Brian and his grandpa have created a couple of small chicken tractors out of leftover horse fencing, which Brian was eager to use. I think the poor hens were getting dizzy with all the swapping around he was doing to let everyone have a turn out on grass! Welsie-the-Welsummer is his current favorite; she does seem to accept him carrying her around pretty well:

Why does my boy look so old??? I still think of him as a young boy most of the time, but when I see him in photos I realize that he really is on the cusp of adolescence. Yikes.

Today is my dad's birthday, and the last day of their visit. We celebrated yesterday (Brian loves to plan a party!); it has been wonderful to have them here.

That's it for today from . . .


  1. Happy Birthday to your dad! Brian does look - wow - older! There is nothing like a boy and his chicken. I see you are getting the hen with the 'mark of shame'!

    1. Yes, I am; I'll have to name her "Hester";-)

      ! Hopefully the other pullets won't peck her to death before I can get her....

    2. When I pull her out, I'll be sure to remove it. Maybe tonight I'll take it off her head and put it on a leg. She can sit on her feet to keep the others away from her Purple Letter...

  2. I was hoping you were posting a picture of the chicken tractor. I keep sitting on the fence about having chickens again and have been thinking a chicken tractor would be a good idea.

    Wishing your parents a safe trip home.

    1. I did take a photo but decided it was "boring." They are just small wire rectangles, maybe 2'x3', good for one hen or maybe two, but very lightweight and easy to move. Nothing like the "mobile-coop-plus-run" chicken tractors I've seen on other blogs, but I'm still very happy to have them.

  3. So glad you are able to pick up a few more hens.
    Yes, those boys do grow up fast!

    1. Yep, you would know that even better than I, Kim!

  4. Sorry to hear about Muffy. Think I need to get some replacement chickens in too. Welsummers are so pretty. are they the ones who lay dark brown eggs?

    1. Yes, Welsummers lay "chocolate" eggs, although not as dark as Marans. They aren't the most prolific layers, but fine if you want pretty hens and interesting eggs over quantity.

  5. I guess Muffy had to go clean up heaven. Sorry.
    Best wishes to your Dad.
    Wonderful photos...

  6. Can"t wait till you have an official "teen".....THEN the fun begins!


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