Friday, May 04, 2012

One for the road

Yesterday, after having some trouble with my new laptop and getting advice from tech support, I headed up to the Apple Store in Portland. While waiting for the Wheatland ferry (one way to get to the interstate), I got out of my car to snap a photo of the full rainbow. Over to my right I saw a feathery form on a big pillar. It was a great blue heron preening himself, so I zoomed in to see if I could get some good shots.

Mr. Lumix (my wonderful point-and-shoot digital camera) did GOOD! (Click to biggify the handsome bird.)

I had to make a second run into Portland to pick up my computer today, and everything seems to be in order now. But I'm way behind on everything else after all that driving!

That's it for today from . . .


  1. He is a handsome bird! I especially like the ones where he has his neck turned, so his fancy feathers show well.

  2. Those are amazing photos... thanks for sharing...

  3. I have never seen a great blue heron... wow!

    1. Seriously, Mary Ann? I thought they were everywhere!

  4. Such magic to see a Heron (blue or white :-) ).

  5. It sounds like a fun trip, Michelle; the photos are wonderful.

    1. Well, driving back and forth to Portland twice in less than 24 hours wasn't necessarily FUN, but those few moments waiting for the ferry were magical!

  6. These are some of my favorite birds. To me, they embody grace and patience. Great pictures!!


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