Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Of sheep and surgery

Yesterday afternoon after schooling Larry, I sat with the sheep awhile. Everyone in the "ewe flock" but Annabelle and her twins crowded in for attention; that's Annabelle way off in the distance in the photo above. Sheep that come up for attention are ever so much sweeter than sheep that come up for treats. Someone recently referred to grain as "sheep crack" and that's a good description of how out-of-control they act in its presence!

Anyway, I snapped some photos and enjoyed my time with them immensely before ushering them back to the fold for the night. Rick and Brian got home with a part for Brian's go-kart, which Rick installed so Brian could drive it for a bit before bedtime. Brian had complained about a stomach ache throughout the day, but other than not having much appetite and occasionally (and briefly) lying down, he really didn't act "off." As he roared around on our bumpy gravel driveway with his go-kart, I was finally convinced his stomach didn't hurt all that bad!

As I was tucking him into bed last night, he complained of additional discomfort – in his right lower abdomen. Warning bells sounded in my brain, and I immediately contacted a friend whose daughter had an emergency appendectomy last month. My friend had mentioned at the time that thanks to educating her daughter about the particular pain of appendicitis, her daughter had self-diagnosed before her already infected organ ruptured. Now I sought education, and got it. Prompted to go back and re-check Brian, I found him already asleep. Rather than waking him, I called our insurance's RN help desk for advice. The nurse advised taking him in if he was still uncomfortable by morning, or if the pain woke him up in the night.

At 1:30 this morning, just two short hours after I'd gone to bed, Brian woke us up complaining of pain. We threw on clothes and drove to the ER; by 5:30 this morning he was in surgery for a very swollen but thankfully intact appendix. All went well, and we are back home again this evening. Brian will be sore for awhile; I predict he will get maximum mileage out of this experience. :-)

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Sending best wishes for a very speedy recovery for Brian. (That go-kart is waiting, you know!)

    Good grief, surgery to remove an appendix is out-patient surgery now?? Wow.

    1. Thanks, Mama Pea. Yes, if the patient is doing well and there are no complications, I guess it can be.

  2. Good Job, Mom! What a frightening way to spend the night. Spoil that big boy rotten for a few days and enjoy those beautiful sheeps!


  3. Wow! Those mom instincts kick in just when we really need them. Glad he's on the mend.

    1. I don't know if I would have had the right instincts without my friend's sharing of her recent experience, Dianne!

  4. Glad he got to come home today. In spite of previous comments urging you to spoil him, don't - he'll get used to it!!

    Give him my best wishes!

    1. Not too much danger of me spoiling him, Laura; I wasn't raised that way. Now RICK, on the other hand, will be much more tempted! Very different parenting we received, Rick and I....

    2. I wasn't raised that way either but I do a darn good job of spoiling Joy lol Glad you caught it and he's on the mend :)

  5. I know as a mom when my kids were younger (they're all 16 and above now), it was way to easy to just shrug off their complaints of little aches and pains. I only had one bad thing really happen (My oldest hurt her arm bouncing on the bed, I made her take a nap since she was whining so much, and she woke up and the arm was swollen and cold. She'd dislocated it. The ER doc looked at me pretty strangely.) Good for you for calling your friend then the ER. Glad he's feeling better.

    1. Yeah, I'm that way – "It's a long way from your heart; move on.” Did that at first with Rick's heart attack, though, so I learned a lesson!

  6. He looks like he is on the road to recovery, hope he is go-kart ready soon, now you may need a nap or two to catch up on lost sleep.

    1. Not much chance of a nap here, Tombstone, but I did sleep like a rock last night!

  7. Get well soon Brian!

    1. He seems much more comfortable today; hasn't asked for any pain reliever!

  8. I my gosh. You never know what a day will hold. Glad he's okay!

  9. OH MY! What a night for all of you. I'm so glad you listened to your warning bells and called you friend for advice.
    Hugs all around my friend.

  10. I think pretty much everything is outpatient now . . . Glad Brian is doing well - and my best for a speedy recovery :-)

    1. The doctor said it was up to us, but I didn't see any point in Brian spending the night. He WANTED to; I think it was a combination of the cool adjustable bed, the TV, and the call light that summoned the nurses to his every wish. Yeah, we wanted to nip THAT in the bud!

  11. Oh the joys of raising children. You take me back to those days of not knowing "what is next".
    Glad Brian is well and over the surgery.
    Good going Mom...

    1. Brian has been pretty problem-free in the health department, so this whole episode is still a bit of a shock!

  12. What a good thing you were all on alert! It goes from 0 to 60 at Boulderneigh, doesn't it? Glad B's doing well. Love the close-ups of your lovely sheep.

    1. Yes, it sometimes does. I think I need another session with my sheepies.

  13. Glad he is OK and your "mom radar" was working!

  14. Interesting how your friend had recently talked of this matter with you...timing is everything!! Maybe that's God's way of giving you a "heads up"!! Regardless, so very happy to hear that the little maniac is on the mend!! Please give him a hug for me.

    1. I thought of that, Lorie, although I don't want to think that Val's daughter was put through her appendectomy (which was not as simple as Brian's) just to give me a "heads up." I AM thankful that both kids are on the mend now!

  15. Here's to a quick recovery for Brian! I'm sure that being pampered doesn't hold a candle to go-kart riding.

  16. Wow, glad you caught that in good time and he didn't have to go through a worse experience. It's such a balancing act when things go wrong. Is it a big wrong, or a little wrong? Does it need intervention, or tincture of time? So glad he is on the mend!!

  17. Oh, MY! I'm so glad he came through the surgery with flying colors! Bravo, Brian!

  18. Thank God you caught this in time, Michelle. Brian looks a little worse for wear but like he'll come through with flying colors.

  19. Mama radar on alert. That came together for a successful outcome, though frightening. Blessings~

  20. Oh, I'm so glad you got to the hospital before his appendix burst.

  21. Shudders. What a roller coaster day/night! PTL you were ready for action when the pain got severe, and that Brian's strong and healthy and will make a fast recovery. Yep, don't want to have him thinking you're his servant. ;)

    So, do you wear earplugs when he's driving the go-kart? (I hate noisy things.)

    1. No, I don't wear earplugs but I try not to hang out outside, either. It is a most annoying invention, but a client of Rick's gave it to Brian, and working on it together has been a good father/son project.

  22. Glad Brian is feeling better! Scary! Love the sheep pics. You are so right about the difference between a sheep or goat looking for snuggles and one looking for sweet feed!


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