Tuesday, April 17, 2012

On hold

Consider these the visual equivalent of the music you hear on the phone when someone puts you on hold:
(Camelia photos taken outside our church last Sabbath.)

My computer visited the ER today, and while it seems to have made a quick recovery, I'm not taking any chances. A back-up is in progress which means no downloading of the lamb photos and video I shot today. As soon as the back-up is done, a client's job is top priority. After that I can breathe - if I can stop hyperventilating over the price of a new laptop. :-/

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Replies
    1. Aren't they, Becky? Thanks for checking in!

  2. Oh much better than the canned music on hold. Bummer on the computer. Hope it was only a small blip and all will stay right for a long time

    1. Thanks, Theresa, but considering that my laptop is six or seven years old now, its probably nearing its expiration date.

  3. Stunning pics....do they smell as lovely as they look?

  4. Such perfection! What beautiful flowers! I don't even dare LOOK at a new laptop - they are incredibly expensive, but, sigh, necessary.

  5. That's a bad feeling, waiting. Hope all is well.

    1. My computer recovered temporarily (allowing me to do a backup), had another psycho episode, recovered enough to do the hospital's employee newsletter, and is still working - for now. But I bit the bullet and a new (refurbished) MacBook Pro is on its way, along with CS5.5. The Lord is good; thanks to my sister I learned about factory-refurbished computers and the fact that homeschoolers qualify for the education discount, saving me money on both purchases (buying CS5.5 with the education discount cost less than upgrading my CS2!).


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