Thursday, April 26, 2012

Now this is 'Fish On!'

Yesterday Bittersweet was haltered for the first time. He isn't friendly like Bing, so he acted like a "game fish" on the line!

He ended up being used as live bait, too. I haltered Sarai instead of Annabelle (I don't have enough halters for all the sheep) to lead them out to the wooded lot, and Annabelle and Bloom wandered off on their own instead of following the others. I had to tie Bittersweet up in the fold to be able to herd Annabelle and Bloom back in, halter Annabelle, and take all three out to join the others. Then Marta slipped out, and I had to corral her.... It was one of those sheep rodeo days; I got my exercise!

In other news, this was delivered yesterday:
I haven't had time to do much more than admire it with all that's going on. I need to install software and transfer files from my old laptop to this one before my old one quits on me completely, but need a block of uninterrupted time for that – a rare commodity for a homeschooling mom! I can usually find some on Sunday when Rick is home to occupy Brian, but this Sunday is Larry's and my first dressage show together. (You can follow my progress with Larry on my dressage blog, listed at right.) Anyway, I am very thankful I was able to find the laptop I felt best suited my needs in a factory-refurbished model, and the software I need as a deeply discounted Education version (found out I was eligible as a homeschool teacher!). God is good!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Lucky you! I'd love to have an Apple Laptop. Then again, I should just be grateful that I have a functional computer... ;-)

    From the short clip, it looks as if Bittersweet did pretty darned good for his first time at halter! No playing dead or airs above ground???

    Good luck at your first show with Larry. He looks like he's coming along nicely!

    1. Nancy, I've had Apple computers since the 80s, back when they were the only decent option for graphic designers. It has made sense for me to stay with Apple/Mac.

      There WERE some airs above the ground, but I didn't capture them very well. No playing dead, just throwing himself down a couple times and hopping back up.

  2. Hi Michelle,
    I love your halters, where did you get those?

    1. Joyce, those are the 3-way adjustable alpaca halters from I love 'em, too!

  3. Love the sheep rodeos! Michelle, sounds like you need a helpful dog when moving sheep. My dog Hazel & I are having such fun learning herding at a local farm (it makes sense to practice on someone else's more tractable sheep). Hazel is overly enthusiastic and thinks I walk too slowly -- last class she had 15 sheep flocked around me so tightly none of us could move, while she circled at full speed. She looked so happy I had to laugh. -Margaret

    1. I agree, Margaret, but with two dogs already and such a small flock, I can't make the investment in a trained dog (and wouldn't know how to train one myself, IF I had the time).

  4. Good luck with your first show this weekend, I have my first show of the year next weekend (tis the season). LOL isn't halter training fun! Makes me glad Shetlands are so small. I don't miss halter training Muppet!

  5. New-to-you laptop. Awesome!! I know you we've been pushing that old one pretty hard. I've decided as a good steward to continue with mine since it's fine, I just wish I had something else. I know that's not a good enough reason for me, but you didn't need a reason. You needed a new computer :)

    1. I STILL haven't had time to install software and transfer files! I'd better get on it before my old one takes ill again (it's been acting "normal" for at least a week now).


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