Tuesday, January 31, 2012

More itch-scratching

Thanks to my class-prep-generated fiber-itch, my spindle-spun Inky singles are finally getting some attention, too! During Brian's science class yesterday, I started plying. I had been keeping the two full spindles in an old shoebox, and it occurred to me that the holes in the lid would be perfect plying assistants.

I don't want to risk taking my Jenkins tulipwood Swan on my trip, so this project won't be going with me. Still toying with taking my miniSpinner, but also need to figure out some trip knitting. I have one small project that is nearly done, and another (Ravelry link) that I am champing at the bit to cast on. Can I find the time to swatch before I leave? Stay tuned!

That's it for today from . . .

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your spindles.. so much so that I bought one a while back but have not had the courage to spin with it.. lol.. Just too beautiful.
    Black Sheep


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