Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Several small things

I would love to be the productive spinner and knitter that Denise is, churning out warm and wonderful (adult-sized!) sweaters from my own handspun, but I'm just not that fast (plus there's the whole homeschooling mother gig; heh). So just getting little projects completed tickles me, and I have a few to show you. Some of these have been completed for awhile, but I couldn't show them until they were gifted.

Remember that little blue/green/white hat I made and entered in the state fair? It is small, so once I learned my sister is expecting a boy, I decided it was meant for him, and set about creating some coordinating items out of the remaining yarn. Thus, a Baby Surprise Jacket and a pair of booties. They aren't sized the same so do not an ensemble make, but that's okay - right? Then, because Auntie Michelle lives in Oregon and my sister's husband is from Oregon (where we're renowned for our webbed feet ;-), I couldn't resist making the baby Duck feet. What a hoot that cute little pattern is!

While in Texas I also gave my mom the beaded Sakaki I knit for her birthday (on the right; the beaded scarf on the left is for my MIL for Christmas).

Just before we left on our trip, I cast on my trip-knitting project, a pair of socks for a friend's December 9 birthday. I gave her a pair last year (same yarn, different colorway), and her enthusiastic response made this year's gift a no-brainer. Here they are, cast off the Monday after we got back, pre-wash-and-block:

Instead of a simple 2x2 rib for the leg, this time I decided to use a pattern from my favorite sock book, even though I knew it would get mostly lost in the self-patterning yarn. Still, I like them!

I haven't cast on for anything new yet, although I think my next project will be one of Romi's designs using my Water Lilies yarn. Meanwhile, I've been spinning more of Inky's roving on my Jenkins Swan, to be plyed with the skinny singles I've already spun on my TTT travel spindle:

It was sooo tempting to take advantage of some great Cyber-Monday yarn deals, but I resisted by reminding myself of all the yarn I already have, and all the fiber waiting to be spun into more yarn. After all, like I said at the beginning, I only have so much time to spin and knit. My current stash will last me quite awhile!

Off to be with a birthday boy at . . .


  1. love the duck socks cute idea. The pair you knit on your trip look fantastic and warm.

  2. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! Do you knit two-at-a-time toe up? I am aspiring to that. Those little duck socks are adorable!

  3. Thanks, Tombstone!

    Yes, Susan, that is exactly how I do my socks; no other way makes as much sense to me. Try on as you go, use up ALL your yarn if you want, finish both at the same time - slam dunk!

  4. I love the duck feet - I'm thinking about making some Beaver feet - same thing with more "toes"... Equal time, and all that! Plus I did research on pond-dwelling beaver in MN my last sememster of college. Should be fun!

  5. Holy moly - you have been crazy busy. What do you mean you don't have time?! I do love the ducks feet. Go Ducks! Especially in the Rose Bowl.

  6. really cute kiddo ensemble, Michelle! I just love the duck feet!

  7. Love them all!! I have been busy knitting for Christmas too. Also started spinning again. My finished yarn is still bulky, so will have to think of things for that.
    I love the pattern on the socks!!

  8. those duck feet are adorable.


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