Friday, October 28, 2011

One tough knitter

As seen on the Yarn Harlot's blog. Best.Tatoo.EVER! Not that I'm the I'll-pay-you-to-stick-me-with-needles type. But seriously? I need this on a knitting bag!!!

Happy Friday from . . .


  1. I'm not one that would get a tatoo either but that is one hard core knitter. It's nice to see the younger generation also enjoys knitting. Have a great weekend!

  2. That is a great tattoo!

  3. I love it! For a minute, I thought it was Sharon's older son - he looks a lot like him!

  4. Abby Franquemont has an AWESOME spindling tattoo. Wish I'd taken a picture.

  5. I'm not into tattoos, but that is kind of funny. He looks like a tough guy but you usually don't see tough guys knitting. :)

  6. LOLOL. That is so clever. It would be great on a knitting bag.


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