Friday, October 14, 2011

Just wondering

Does that look like a satisfied ram and two pregnant ewes to you?

Well, there's no wondering about the season.
Greening grass, turning leaves, and perky pansies say it's fall!

That's it for today from . . .


  1. Pansy's are so wonderful, they almost look like velvet. The red contrast against the green grass is so rich looking.
    Love seeing those little jackets on the sheep.. precious.
    Have a Tiggeriffic day~ ta ta for now from Iowa:)

  2. So nice to get a Tiggeriffic comment again! Have a great weekend, and thanks for your kind worlds. (-:

  3. Green Pastures, Pansys and Snapdragons, soon Daffodils, followed by new lambs, makes winter almost spring like.

  4. It's definitely fall here, too. We had one magnificent week of 70-degree temps. Sort of a last hurrah, I think. No hard freeze yet, so no official Indian Summer, but there is still hope :-D

  5. I can't tell the ram from the ewes in the photos but that is one, incredibly beautiful pansy!!!

  6. If you look closely at the ram (white one) he has scurs Nancy. They sort of blend in with his fleece, he's very poofy. LOL
    And, yes, I'd say preggers for the girls.....I just got a feeling. :)


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